Sunday, August 8, 2010

Show Off Your Cottage Monday

Welcome to "SHOW OFF YOUR COTTAGE MONDAY", a blog party I host at the beginning of each week to celebrate the things we love about our homes and how we live.

The House in the Roses
The Enchanted Garden Welcomes You!
It's a warm, bright day. I walk through the enchanted ivy path and behold a garden filled with wonderful amazing gladiolus... It's August, is the month of the gladiolus; month of enchantment. Can you see it? The trees in the distance form a shady backdrop to this colorful scene, the butterflies are fluttering, bees are buzzing, birds are chirping as they go from tree to tree from bush to tree, water from the small fountain sings a bubbly tune, and all the while I'm cutting glads for bouquets... Do you garden just to make something grow? Or do you interact with nature while growing things? And do you share and find sanctuary and heal and honor the earth? Nature takes its course around here, humans and Nature come together with the intent of creating beauty, solace and a sanctuary for the soul... I love to sit here, and spend hours quietly enjoying my surroundings... The vanilla fragrance of the honeysuckle and spicy scent of musk roses fills the air. You breathe in deeply and let your worries leave you. You sit in a comfortable chair and feel replenished. Slowly, you begin to tune into the natural world around you and become aware of the activity in this small green universe: the insects whirring, the birds flitting about, the leaves moving amidst the gentle breeze.
It's pure enchantment... I cannot find a better way to spend my days! So alas, I'm celebrating August, the month of the gladiolus... and of course, my lovely and colorful gladiolus!
What are you celebrating? I'd love to hear about it...
May you become intimate with the power in the seeds of everything that the Great Plant Maker gives us to make a whole, pure, and natural world.
If you are participating in "Show Off Your Cottage Monday", please link back to THE HOUSE IN THE ROSES. Linking back allows the readers of your blog to find the other participants, thus increasing visits for all who are joining in. This collection has been deleted by its author
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  1. Cielo,

    What vibrant photos! I love the vase of flowers displayed on the bird bath. That's such a pretty way to display flowers!


  2. Lovely Gladiolus and Roses! You have such beautiful flowers! Thanks for hosting this lovely party!

  3. Gorgeous glads in the garden and in your vignettes! I wish I did garden, I think it would be so calming and relaxing. Maybe some day my thumb will turn green and I'll have the opportunity to share with nature.

  4. Hi Cielo! Oh, my goodness! Your flowers are so gorgeous! I do believe you have the greenest thumb!! I would love to tiptoe through your gardens.
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh my - you wouldn't find flowers like that where I live...these are amazing.

  6. Oh Cielo...your gladiolas are breathtaking...the colors are so vibrant! You're truly a gifted gardener.

  7. Such a beautiful garden. Love the seating area also. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  8. Your garden is so lovely, Cielo...your flowers are just breathtaking.

    I linked to your site today but it is cooking. I hope that is ok. Not sure where my head was when I linked. If you want to remove it, it is just fine. I know this isn;t about cooking here. So sorry....
    xo bj

  9. So many love to visit your blog this time in the week! Your gardens are so beautiful! Gladiolas have always been my summertime favorite. I love the vivid colors. Thanks for taking the time to visit and make such sweet comments. Jacqueline

  10. Now I have another flower to add to my list of far roses, tulips, and hydrangeas and now gladiolus :) :) These are beautiful!!! Thanks for taking the time to take these photos and share them with us ) :) :) I"m always looking for pretty flowers!!! Have a lovely week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)

  11. Every single picture is a just have a gift of displaying the most gorgeous things....

  12. Querida Cielo,
    Como te prometí hoy me uno a tu fiesta con estas imágenes de una cena de verano en mi patio
    Tus gladiolos son fantásticos ...
    visitarte y pasear por tu jardín o adentrarme en tu casa es siempre un placer
    Muchos besos y gracias por permitirme acompañarte hoy

  13. thanks for hosting every monday! your pics are always inspiring to me! thanks!

  14. Hi Cielo,
    Your garden is always so enchanting! Thank you for hosting again.


  15. Gorgeous glads! They do make such spectacular bouquets.

    I love YOUR love for the earth and garden delights.

  16. Your glads are lovely. They remind me of my mama.

  17. Your garden must be a little paradise! Love the explosion of flowers and beautiful colors! TFS!

  18. Dearest Cielo,

    Lovely blog and I decided to follow you... Gladiolus are also in our garden, they make perfect cut flowers!

    Sunny greetings from Georgia


  19. Gorgeous garden...very inspiring!

  20. Preciosos los gladiolos y tu jardín està maravillos, Cielo!!!!

  21. It is always so very refreshing to come over and spend a bit of time in your garden Cielo!! So beautiful!

    I hope to join you next week as my sun room reveal is almost ready!

    bee blessed

  22. Those flowers are so beautiful. I love to read and watch your pictures on this blog they are so nice.

  23. Your glads are spectacular! Love the variety of colors.

  24. I love your glad pictures. They remind me of my mother. She loved them and each spring would plant about 6 rows, at least 200 yards long in our garden. One color she was very proud of was one that was almost black. There was only one buld the first year, a salesman came to the house and admired it. My father was the only one home, so, he just dug it up and gave it to him. I almost lost him that evening. I mom was soooo mad. Just one of the many memories if have of her. Keep up the good blog.


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