Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's raining again, and here they come...

A tic-tic-tic, three rain fairies I see...
A-ramble ‘cross the garden
A-laughing-dancing on the stones
I see them ‘midst yellow narcissus and happy daffodils...

Can you see them too? O'er there! Behind the bare grape vine...

They’re funny, they’re small, they’re green with butterfly wings....
The rain blurs my vision... now I see them now I don’t...

They hide, they play, they leap and dance...
See how they dip and dive? Is a dream is a game!
I don’t know what’s in the rain –magic?— for every time that rains I shout and sing
and fairies come out to play...
They'll give you a golden ring and clasp around your neck a bell...
Is magic this I know!
There’s magic when it rains!
Do you love rain?


  1. I can´t see them- but I can feel their presence... mostly I see lights sparkling around me :-)

    Your a lucky one, when you can see the little, funny fairies. They are so full of hapiness.

    The next rainy day, I´ll keep my eyes wide open and think of you, pretty woman :-)

    Have a magic evening... Love- Ines

  2. Cielo~ It's been so long since we've seen one another on blog land. I cannot wait to do your Monday Cottage Event. I have your button up now. And I was wondering if you would place my Boutique Button on your blog and I will be sure to place your blog button on my site too along with the Cottage Monday button. Thank sweetness and it's great to see you again!

  3. they're so fast its just a blur ~ but I'm sure I saw them doing the 'puddle-hop'

  4. It poured in our city last night and today is just drizzling every little while, sweets. I love the rain and sitting on the front porch with the wind chimes tinkling with the breeze. I've set it up so I have hear them in this room through a webcam with sound out on the front porch. Delightful!

  5. Beautifully enchanting Cielo...lovely!
    Yes i think the rain is super-magical and I love it too. When others complain about it....I cant help but smile and be in awe of just is a miracle..liquid magic from the heart of the sky..shining down immeasurable blessings on all. I love your blog..I always enjoy my visits here..and dream away!

  6. I see some Irish Faeries visiting your garden today.

    Is that a new statue you have in the garden too?


  7. Another beautiful post......I'm so glad I'm Following the journey. We have had some showers too. Enjoy your week, Jenny

  8. Dear Cielo,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and adding me to your blog role.

    I like your blog very much too. It is enchanting :-)!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  9. your blog is wonderful and those pics...really beautiful

  10. your blog is wonderful and those pics...really beautiful


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