Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little joys on a winter's day

It doesn’t matter how many layers of clothes you wear—bitter cold wind nibbles at your skin, frozen toes, sloppy slush; and when you walk and breathe, you look like a living chimney—smoke coming out of your nose and mouth. Watery eyes don’t let you see clearly, your ears ache, and it hurt to walk. You lose feeling of some parts of your body, and thus you can’t really tell whether if perhaps your nose is dripping stuff or if it’s just water from the condensation of the atmosphere what your tongue is savoring… your finger tips may turn blue and your bones crack and scream at you...

 OK ok… this is winter... It's supposed to be cold, I know.

But it surely is not fun living with wind chill of minus 16 degrees for days and days and weeks… augrrrrrr!!

Birds are my salvation. Have I mentioned that already? ;)

What a privilege is to see and hear and have such a gathering of friends in my backyard during these super extra cold days. And the garden is much like a sanctuary for birds these days. There’s nothing more pleasant to me than waking up in the morning to the wonderful sounds of the sweet chirping of birds. My friend the Northern Flicker calls me from the same tree every morning so that I know he’s there… hi makes a loud, rolling rattle that sounds almost like he’s saying “wake up wake up”. And then, I am so fortunate to have several varieties of birds feeding from my food platters… Mourning doves, and robins and juncos and the Black capped Chickadee and sparrows—they all gather by the angel bird feeder statue, as if knowing that they will all be fed equally. Each unique and special to the angel who nourish and provides for them… it is a festivity out there; such merrymaking of wings and twirling. I can almost hear the birds singing in human voices: “He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love”. (Song of Solomon 2:4)

And then this Monday… Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for all you did for humanity, for your wisdom to truly understand that all of humanity is created equally in God’s image, and for allowing me to stay home an extra day.  Such joy!

A bit of beauty for today... Feel free to pin my photos ~ photo credit back to me is always appreciated.

Oh and have I told you?  It's a secret, but I must tell... Eve has been visiting the house in the roses... Yes yes—Eve, the owner of Eden walks here.  What a privilege!  Love to read her comments.  And yours too, of course!  ;)


  1. What stark beauty you have here....I am not a fan of winter but you make it look almost pretty. We are supposed to get all the way up to THREE degrees tomorrow- xo Diana

  2. I am glad that I was not too mushy.\
    I knew that If I told you how much I appreciate the earthy, sincere writings you bless us with, you would know they were sincere.
    Today I put on gloves in 36 degree weather and worked in my Eden. I hope you will have a break in the weather so you can once again smell the sweet smell of moss and clean dirt and work in your blessed garden!!! I did this with the music of the birds.
    The Owner of Eden!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Birds are one of winter's pleasures, like you I feed them and have the privilege of seeing and hearing many different kinds, many are regular daily visitors, others just passing through. It's cold here too but not with your windchill factor thank goodness.

  4. Your posts are filled with such beautiful photos that I always leave inspired. Love the bird photos. xoxo.

  5. It is cold here too and it is wearisome. I try to stay in as much as possible and fortunately get to work from home two days a week. I too love listening to the birds - one of my very favorite things. It is nice to know I can make their winter a little warmer by feeding them.

  6. such beautiful pictures. I love birds too, and one of the doves here walks up to us and pecks on the glass jar and stands just a foot away waiting to be fed! Sometimes when I'm working out there, she will come and fly right towards me and follow as I work. Birds I think, are the bridge between heaven and earth. I adore your romantic and magical nature!

  7. The photos are beautiful! What a lovely blog. :)

  8. Hi Cielo ~ Your post warmed my heart today with the photos of the beautiful roses and sweet birds. We adore feeding our little feathered friends here, too. In fact, I saw 4 puffed out blue birds splashing happily in our birdbaths today! Hope springs eternal....! :)

    xoxo laurie


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