Friday, February 10, 2012


Changes… there is something in the air that calls for changes. I want to change every room in my house, change the carpet for hardwood floors, change the curtains, change my eating habits, move to another city; quit my job. Changes—dreams; some of them unreachable; some unreasonable. But at least I can change some things... Lately, one of the things I want to change is my hair. I am thinking I want to be a brunette again…

Are you a brunette? My hair is naturally dark, but I’ve been a blonde for the past three years. And have I mentioned how I lose interest and get bored of things real quickly? Unless I truly enjoy something, of course--like gardening. So I’m thinking I should be a brunette and have my hair cut in long layers. It is already reaching down my waist and badly in need of some real shape. I love my daughter's haircut and asked her if I could share a photograph. We look so much alike, so I'm thinking this would look real cute...
Or this...
I really like this darker color... love the style too!
Dark with some redish tones
Penelope Cruz and her sister!
Cindy and I...
OK... I'm heading over to the hair salon now. Oh but wait! I have to admit it! I'm a whimp, a coward and horrible at making decisions and I simply don't know what to do. I may think I love changes, but I'm actually scare of them... Do you think I should go back to being a brunette? Ayayayai! I'll keep you posted on what I decided, so don't go too far! ;)


  1. Oh wow, who is mother & daughter here?!?! You both look beautiful and resemble Penelope Cruz!!! :) Well, I am brunette and have always been...I might have had some red highlights added in the past, but I haven't done any color to my hair in more than 10 years! lol Anyway, I think a new cut and color would be great - that's what I do when I'm in dire need of some change. Have fun & wishing you a lovely weekend!


  2. Hola cielo,
    Yo llevaba muchos años de rubia,como casi 10años,hasta que un dia pensé en que necesitaba un cambio,asi que me pase a morena,mi color de pelo,con algunas mechas un poco más claras, y la verdad es que ahora me veo más guapa.Me gusta el color de pelo de Penelope cruz.
    Un beso desde España.

  3. I will be anxious to see what you do. I have found that I just can't give up my long hair even at my age. It IS shorter than it used to be but still well below my shoulders. You are your daughter are both just beautiful! xo Diana

  4. Two raving beauties. You both would gorgeous in any color any where at any time, Cielo. Go for it! Then it is done & you can have a 'new do' & 'new you' for some fun time.

    Happy Valentine's ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Cielo,
    Your daughter is gorgeous, as are you. I don't think there can be a wrong choice for you!

  6. You and your daughter are gorgeous. I think your daughter's haircut would look lovely on you :) ) I"m a natural brunette, although sometimes I like to add mahogany or burgundy highlights to my hair :) Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  7. Hi - I think you wood look great brunette! I love brunette women, because myself I am blond. And my 2 daughters are both brunette - so have courage to change. I feel like you, I must change always something, but I have often not the courage!
    Look at my last post in my blog. With tipps of Tine from "white life blog" I have changed my kitchen. What do you think about the changes? Everything red has been taken away!
    Looking forward to seeing you as a brunette ;-))))
    Hugs, Barbara

  8. Goodness me,who is mother who is daughter. You are like sisters, beautiful pics.
    I think all the changes are nice. Thinned and graded with some foil highlights would be lovely. In all my working lifr I blow dryed my hair straight in a bob every other day. Then I retired and after a couple of years washed and left it. Everyone thought I had had a perm. Now I just wash and towel dry and put in some curly boost and it is so easy. Soooo maybe go for the natural wash and leave look.
    Whatever you choose it will look fab I'm sure.
    xx jeanetteann

  9. Holy crap~you can be any color and be gorgeous!! But I do think the dark color like Penelope would be stunning on you!!! Go for it~

  10. LOL ~ I go through the same thing, only I've stayed a brunette my whole life. One time, I really lived it up and got highlights {just in the front though}! : ) My first back and forth was a couple of years ago over whether or not to get bangs. I did wind up not wimping out on that and so far, I'm still happy with them. I had them cut so as they grow I can push them off to the side as long bangs until I go for a trim. My new back and forth is over should I get long layers put back in. I had layers in my hair for so many years that I finally grew them out. The length is pretty even, but the front side pieces are just not growing anymore. So, I start to think that I might as well just get long layers put in ~ again. When I go next week for my bang trim, I'm going to ask my hairdresser what she would say are the pros and cons for me to get long layers.

  11. gorgeous photos of you and your daughter... how blessed she is to have your beautiful smile! ...

    Hair is our crowning glory ... I think you have a beautiful face and no matter what you choose it will look fabulous. Can't wait to see what you decided. xo HHL

  12. You are beautiful...So whatever you decide to change, you will still be beautiful...

  13. You're very pretty, in both versions!
    ... your blog really interesting!

  14. I can understand how you feel. I am a blonde and have never had the courage to change the color. My sisters however have colored their hair often. I have gone long because I feel more feminine. My hair is fine and thin so layers wouldn't work - Penelope Cruz is a wonderful example to bring when you do go - You and your daughter do favor a lot. Both lovely!
    The good thing is, if you decide you are not completely satisfied, you can change again!
    Go for it!

  15. You both look great on the photo!!!

    Madelief x

  16. So you had your daughter when you were what.....10! :)

  17. So what have you chosen? I think the rich bronzes are always a beautiful thing. I have long straight hair, which waves up in humidity..the only good part of living in South Florida :D, and I just cut it shorter to waist length to have some layers. I keep it natural and only spritz with regular peroxide now and the for golden highlights. Can't wait to see what you've done.
    blessings, Lady of the Woods

  18. Two beautiful girls! The first thing I thought is they look like Penelope and then next I scrolled down and there was Penelope. I don't know if Penelope is a gardener though. ;-)

  19. WOW!! You and your daughter do favor so much...and are both just gorgeous! I think being a brunette would be a great change for you...
    you look so much like Penelope Cruz
    and her hair is beautiful dark...
    One good thing about it...if you don't like it, you can always go back to being a blonde with just one trip to the beauty salon!!
    I enjoyed your post so much. I am new to it but have marked it in MY FAVORITES so I can go back to it weekly now.
    Have a HAPPY PINK SATURDAY.....and don't forget to let us in on the choice!! Francy

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