Thursday, November 10, 2011

Of gardens and cats and some more

I want a cat… every autumn is the same; I look at the solitary garden and think of a cat. Gardens and cats go together; especially in autumn. Autumn is such a dreamy season… and then again, there is something about the presence of a cat in a garden… a wistful feeling—gardens and cats; certainly some sorts of quixotic mingling.

Then yesterday, in the garden… magic unfolded. Some mysterious kind of friend came to visit…

I should be very careful with what I wish to see in my garden… ah yes, it never fails; wishes are almost always granted here…

Cats are such mystical creatures... I can tell there’s more going in his mind than I'm aware of... I’m so enthralled by these graceful creatures…

And thus, I’ve been staring out the window a lot these days; cozying up in the warmth of the insides while standing silently by the window looking at the quiet garden…

Lemon grass, sweetgrass and sleepy Jacob’s Ladder, cat thyme, pansies and heaps of dried leaves unite; they blend and come together as Nature gently puts them to sleep.

And the wind in the trees is chanting a sad hymn; it bewitches me and brings to mind dying and death. I shiver as I listen to this song; each stanza suggesting finitude; it’s the song inherent to autumn… the year is slowly dying.

I’m also thinking of life. My thoughts are thick; falling fast from some parts of my brain like autumn leaves on trees. This sense of depletion, of things coming to an end goes beyond the metaphorical death. Autumn’s chant is my own requiem; it is yours, it is ultimately humanity’s funeral song.

The mind in kinsmanship with the Natural world has learned; however, that there are no closing states in Nature. All that lives must die, and yet the promise of tomorrow's life is contained in the seeds of today's death… this thought offers yet another verdict; the mundane fuses with the spiritual—the essential God-Creator arises in the conscientious soul; an ever ingenerable and imperishable God… fear perishes in this hope…

Death is not eternal.

PS: You can read more of my articles Here.


  1. Oh- I love a cat in a garden. How funny this post is. My son called me an hour or so to ask me if I wanted a kitty- an extra had found its way onto his property...a sweet little kitten. I can't because MyHero is allergic to them as is my daughter and her hubby.

    Your words about Autumn are poignant and lovely...reminding us of endings and new beginnings- xo Diana

  2. Oh you must keep this one if you can...he or she belongs in your beautiful garden! I feel the exact same way. Gardens and cats go together. I used to have outdoor kitty that would roll and roll in the soil until his white fur was brown. He was in seventh heaven! Lori

  3. watcher is his name

  4. What a lovely post. Makes you stop and think. The kitty in the garden is so sweet. We have two cats. But they are strictly indoors. I really have enjoyed visiting you. Anne


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