Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A tale of little creatures

One of the most exciting things ever about autumn (at least for me), is the return of the little creatures! Ah yes, one by one you’d see them come—out of this impenetrable wood I call “my garden” they would come… marching, singing, fluttering around!
Sometimes, I even forget they're there, or that the garden had been their home for years...

Some of them are cute and tiny...
Some are big and imposing, and there are even some which most be not confused with the rest of them creatures...

Even so, they all come out the same, dancing, singing, strutting along with the rest…
Surprise always fills my eyes when the October moon grows orange and swollen, and all God's creatures small and great come out at the first kiss of autumn, just to amuse me...
You see, as the garden nurtures and grows greener through spring and summer, the underbrush and shrubbery start to grow thicker and thicker... Gnarled, tangled vegetation finally settles in, and the garden becomes this unfathomable world where anything can disappear, and anything can grow and anything can happen... until finally, the garden starts to thin out with autumn, and you can finally see; really see, what's going on there....
And so, it happened the other day... as I was walking through the garden welcoming the little creatures back to their soon to be winter “Wonderland”, I felt something hard under my pretty pink shoes...

“Ay ayayaiii!”—I heard someone scream! As if in pain! No no it wasn’t me! I was perfectly fine. But when I looked down, I saw something, (or someone?) trying to come out of the ground under my feet. I could not believe my eyes! “Pardon, Miss”—said that ‘something’. “Could you please move your feet off my head?”
Ay Dios mío, oh gracious goodness me!! I’m so sorry!”—I said, and went down to my knees to see who I was talking to... The little creature shook the dirt off his head with a swift movement, and the sooner I saw his sweet big brown eyes I was madly in love with him! 
Oh he was the cutest little bunny ever! The cutest I’d ever seen! And he was in perfect condition too! I looked down at him in amazement and realized he was a small stone creature... real stone! I carefully turned him around and, what do you know... a message! Yes yes, there was a note on his belly or under him, written by his mommy! It read: “My name is ‘Cookie’. When I was a wee little bunny, my mommy put me in my baby brother’s crib to keep me from having bad dreams. It worked! My mommy is Atlanta Artist Telle M. Stein. I’m an original creation, handcast and hand finished, and I can either be kept inside your home or outside in your garden. Thank you for loving me!"

In the garden—precisely the place where he’d been ever since I adopted him from our local “thrift store adoption center” for only $1.75, just a few days ago! My heart is full of joy, I am a little girl singing and dancing under the Hunter's Moon with all my little creatures around! That's how happy I am and so thankful I can be his new mommy now!
You can read more of this artist, Telle, and her awesome work here.
Good night everyone! Sweet dreams!


  1. Oh Cielo your blog takes my breath away..so beautiful!

    I am having a little blog giveaway over at mine, all welcome :]


  2. I just love the story and the bunny is so cute. I know when I come to your blog I will leave with a smile on my face. Thank you.



  3. I love your garden with all the surprises in it. You are so lucky to be a bunny mom, he´s so cute...
    hugs elsamarianne

  4. I love a garden full of whimsy! Seems yours has it at every turn! Always love my visits to your enchanted place

  5. I love a garden full of whimsy! Seems yours has it at every turn! Always love my visits to your enchanted place

  6. I have lots of pretty little birds scattered around my house as well, Cielo. Some vintage, others not. But they all seem to be the same kind, the small sparrow garden type you see from day to day. With the exception of one who is living and breathing, my Australian Zebra Finch Ozzy;)

  7. You have some beautiful sculptures in your gardens, Cielo. I just feel myself relax when I enter the haven of out of doors, where nature welcomes us with open arms. And fairies sing with the birds.

  8. Gracious how I love those beautiful flowers...and those wonderful pink shoes! Such creativity in your story! Thanks for the story. Love your blog. I'm now following you on GFC. Come on over to the farm for a visit and a cup of coffee. Would be honored if you grabbed my button too!


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