The morning has awoken with a new smile on its glorious face... the sun is shining high on the bluest of sky and the birds are happily chirping and singing a pristine song—the song of the new season. It is Sunday, the last day of February; the gloom of winter is beginning to fade in the horizon...
Sunrise stares into my eyes, all is quiet... It’s such a lovely morning. A new day has been gifted, I want to live it to its fullest, drink in every minute of it, every sound, scent and feel. Would you not come along with me for a stroll in the park? Good. Put on your comfy shoes, dog on leash... let's go!
I looked for faces in the river, but all I could see was the refleccion of the trees in its green mossy bottom...
Every animal I found in the trail seemed to be comfortable with altitudes (for some unknown reason.) Like these kitties enjoying the morning sun on their balcony...
I took a deviation on the path to visit the Nature Center.... at this time of the day this place is a magical enchanted paradise with its delicious flora and wildlife, singing creeks and mossy littler streams where I could see the fairies and sprites playing, and leaping from stone to stone...

Before going back, I sat for a while on this bench out-looking the endless river. A wonderful serene feeling shrouded me... peace beyond description.
I’m ready to go back now. Are you ready? The park would be starting to get alive; swarming with activity by now... walkers, runners, skateboarders, bicyclists, lonely people, happy people... you’d find all sort of people on our way back... but what matters here is how you feel... how you feel about yourself, about the life that has been giving to you, about life it self....
May each new day bring a new beginning into your life... new hope, a new light to guide you and to protect you.
This would be our point of start—the rose garden.
It’s still early morning, I can imagine people in warm houses, either sleeping or snuggling under comfy comforters and blankets... but I like to be here. The park is a peaceful and serene island; a magical place where rose bushes silently wait to be awaken from their slumber and wildlife sings hymns to their Creator...
There’s not a tourist to be seen, not a skater or bicyclist in view, not a movement or a sound to be heard, except maybe for those of the few birds and ducks rummaging the park, and from time to time the high pitch call of the peacocks in the zoo, across the park.
The fresh morning air is invigorating; aloof at times. I walk at a swift pace, multihued vibrant scarf around neck, rosy cheeks; hair wild in wind... I can hear the river chanting its own praises...
I can’t exactly say what’s in a quiet woody river bank that so enchants me... there’s this feeling of loneliness to it that speaks to my soul; a sort of mystery floating in the air, a quiet hum that seems to flow and grow as the river opens, and then it grows into sounds and words from some unseen ghosts... One can hear their voices... yesterday’s voices; voices yet to be heard.
I'm participating in "Outdoor Wednesday, at A southern daydreamer.

Good Morning,
ReplyDeleteI love a peaceful stroll in the morning. It just seems to make the day!.
Enjoy your sweet day,
Big hugs, Elizabeth
Thank You for taking us along on your stroll through the park. Loved the kitties. Wishing you spring blessings,
Such a beautiful park to walk in. I love early morning walks and listening to the birds singing to each other. Thanks for taking us along!
Just a magical place,dear Cielo!!!
ReplyDeleteEarly morning and SO silence,SO peaceful,amazing park...
You post is devine,my dear friend!-)))*
I enjoed it SO much,thank you for share,a big dreamer,Cielo!!!-)*
Thank you for you visit and you petite comments from ''The house in the roses''.
The are very joyful for me!-)***
Many love ad care,
If do you come again by me,scrol the page down and there,under my post you can see the word comments...
By the way,I was SO glad that you whrote to me on email!-)))
Thank you for the lovely walk. This is just the type of place I love to visit and walk.
ReplyDeleteSusan says, I love to take a walk with you. Where I live there is still alot of snow and even more mud. But you are so right, March is here and spring cant be far away. thanks for all the beauty.
ReplyDeleteQue frustración no saber una palabra de Inglés. Hace 15 años fui a Boston
ReplyDeleteuna de mis hijas hizo allí su carrera, estuve con ella unos días y quedé enamorada para siempre de Estados Unidos y de sus gentes.
Un abrazo,
Oh... so peaceful ambiance.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this beauty!
Hi Cielo, What a Lovely Park, Thanks for sharing your walk. I enjoy seeing formal rose gardens in the winter, knowing the beauty that lies dormant. Bella
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking me on such a lovely cyber walking tour.
ReplyDeleteJoyce M
Hello. And Bye.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely walk and photos. I love the park and the birds photos.
ReplyDeleteHi, Cielo! So much flora, fauna, water and loveliness on this walk... thank you for taking us with you! I feel energized and happy just looking at these photos! Hope you are well... Just catching up here--Love the new look! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteahhh, you got some magnificent outdoor shots! Enjoyed my walk in the park with you this morning...
ReplyDeleteOh, to be out in such a beautiful place! Thanks for the tour.
ReplyDeleteI have a little blog award for you at World Market Portrait. Please come by and see.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I took the time to read this entry. I have been have a difficult time and have not been able to blog lately. Your entry was just what I needed today! You just never know who you are going to touch when you are posting what is in your heart. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous walk through the park! Thank you for taking us along with you. As the EccentricLady above said, I needed this post today and, it is true, you never know whose heart your post will reach out and touch.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing it with us today.
~ Tracy
That was a wonderful walk filled with nature's gifts of glory.
ReplyDeleteThe blue skies are trying to peek out here today.