Monday, March 29, 2010

Love in the garden

It is written on the quilt of grass
In the shape of a daffodil print
Some strands of butterfly wing
A flower scent
There is no word to define the joy,
No measure...

Where your heart sings is where your feet will dance. Is it that simple?


  1. I love, love, love this posting. Yes it really is that simple. One of the best compliments my Mom ever gave me was about two years ago when I overheard her telling my husband "she never needs music to dance." It really touched me.

  2. Super enchantress in every moment! Thanks for sharing your spark with the world!

  3. Oh, how I wish I had the reputation of you and your first commenter... I am afraid I haven't done as much dancing as I should have... It shows, and it seems impossible to break the reputation at times... but here is spring, and it's time to cha cha cha in the sunlight!!! I love this post. enchantress, you are indeed...

  4. Its that simple, if only my knees would agree too...LOL
    Lovely post Cielo!

  5. ¡Qué feliz se te ve! El sol es vida. Besos, Ana

  6. Dear,dear Cielo!-)*

    I would like to dance with you,my dear friend...

    SO sunny,happy and really glad can spring make us,ooohhh!!!

    LOVE these post and you looks beautiful,my sweet,dear friend!-)))

    Wish you blessed,enchaned Easter days!

    Much Love,

  7. You are so sweet, and this is festive!

  8. Beautiful! Looks like many of us are dancing with you already :) and though it's windy and cold here at the moment, I sooo look forward to green grass and bare feet. Thank you for sparking my Spring Celebration!

  9. Twirl my dear, twirl. And barefoot yet. That's the best!

  10. It is clear to see that your heart and soul dance in your garden! Lovely images of a pretty lady in her garden!

  11. Hi Cielo,
    Your dance is delightful! and performed with such joy!. When my girls were little and still now we will dance all around the house. Children love to dance! now my daughter dances with her daughter! a joy to behold.
    Loved your post.
    Have a wonderful day and big hugs,

  12. Oh You are just so cute..
    love that massive wavy hair(:) hugs, Patty

  13. Hey, Cielo,
    In my country there is a car Named Cielo. It is so sweet just like you,darling. How sweet you are and ur writing style is so good. Here we have every day sunny days . so hot. Nice post . Cielo, Please visit my blog and make comments..

  14. Hello Cielo,
    U r so pretty.
    Ur face just like lotus.
    ur hair is a waving wind. haaavoo...


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