I’ve been awake since 4:45 am.
Lighting some candles and
turning on some lights here and there before I start my day
seems to be the right thing to do.
The house feels cozy, and wonderful....
Warning: this post is bound to frequent updates. Stay tune!
It's not the first time. I love hosting dinners, and we do this often; still, it happens every time....
Cooking and hosting a dinner party become a culinary nightmare.
Do you get stress over hosting friends for dinner?
Inviting friends round to share a meal should not be stressful, but I do get stressed.
It's not so much the thought of my guests not enjoying themselves,
Putting on a number of courses is stressful, and I find it hard to cope,
but the vegetables have been prepped beforehand,
the table is set, and the chef is putting together the few final elements.
Today is a different kind of a Saturday.
Today we have friends coming over for lunch right after church....
as the fear that my dishes will go wrong...
Oh, the thought of it just makes me tremble!
Good Morning My Precious Friend Cielo...
ReplyDeleteLike you I awoke early this morning. Turning on only one light by my computer. I need that light, but I love to sit quietly at my computer and watch my world awake and come to life. So many things we miss if we sleep to long. I love to watch the first light peep into my world each day. I love to see the sun as it begins to peak over the edgings of our fence wall. I love to watch the birds come to my birdbaths, thirsty for strength to begin their days work. I sometimes sit and watch the water in our pool as it ripples across. I love to watch the moonlight hit that water. It is so breathtaking.
Have a beautiful day my sweet friend. Breathe in your Saturday memories.
Country hugs and much love, Sherry
Hola Cielo, que bonita lámpara , es perfecta con esos ángeles, adorables, acabo de poner un tutorial de una casita de pájaros, tal vez te guste ir a ver con cariño Chany.-
ReplyDeleteHappy pink saturday, sweetpea. Lovely serene photos. That's why I love coming here. Sereneness and soft music.
I enjoy your Saturday's too!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend,
Your table setting looks just wonderful!
ReplyDeleteYou have been the recipient of a blog award at World Market Portraits http://world-market-portraits.blogspot.com
I hope you will gain some new readers! :)
Oh I get SO stressed out when having people over. Mostly for the same reason as you. Hoping that the food will turn out well.
ReplyDeleteI also get worried about the house. Will it be clean enough etc...
When it's all over and everyone had a good time, I wonder what I was stressing out about!
I'll check back later to see if you posted more.
Everything looks lovely by the way....
Hola Cielo, estuve visitando tu blog "around my house" y me encantó tu estilo romàntico en tu habitaciòn, es muy parecido al mio, amo los cojines con flores.
ReplyDeleteYo tambièn me estreso mucho cuando tengo gente invitada, no asì cuando son familiares... aunque no soy yo la que cocina, son las nanas, yo tengo que supervisar todo y a veces uno se equivoca.
La mesa que has decorado està bellìsima.
Te agradezco tu visita y tu comentario. No recuerdo si te tengo en mi lista de blogs, pero si no estàs te agrego ahora mismo porque no quiero perderme tus post.
Te envio un abrazo cariñoso
Maria Cecilia
I can't help but laugh. I JUST found out that I'm having the main course for our neighborhood Progressive Dinner. Ugh! Bring on the stress!!!
ReplyDeleteYour table looks so beautiful. I know your guests will have a nice time.
Looks like a wonderful dinner party. I don't care --as a guest--so much about the dish settiings as the wonderful company I'll be sharing the dinner with.
Your table setting is so elegant and inviting. I'm sure any guest would be honored to have such a thougthful hostess as yourself who puts time and effort into pleasing them. Congratulations on your blog award.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Post Ceilo.